At Calton Primary School we follow the Gloucestershire agreed syllabus for Religious Education. We aim to give the children opportunities to develop an understanding of different religious and non-religious beliefs, allowing them to explore and make links, growing their tolerance towards those of different faiths and beliefs.
They will develop the skills to discuss and evaluate the possible impact that religious and non-religious beliefs have on the everyday lives of believers, their communities and the wider world. Pupils are given the opportunity to share their own religious views and practices with the wider school community. They are encouraged to ask questions and be curious about the beliefs and views of others, having the opportunity to visit places of worship and talk with visitors about religious and non-religious beliefs and the impact they have on their lives.
The teaching of RE will guide and support the pupils thinking and curiosity by using the key elements of the Gloucestershire syllabus: Making sense of Beliefs, Understanding the Impact and Making Connections, while growing into tolerant, respectful and understanding members of the community.
How to support my child in RE
Further Support & Useful Links
Primary Homework Help
Kids of Different Religions Discuss God
Click the KS1 or KS2 button and choose from a selection of resources, videos and games
RE Withdrawal Statement
‘RE is provided for all pupils, and is inclusive and broad minded. Parents do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE: if you wish to do this, make an appointment with the head teacher / RE subject leader. The school does not support selective withdrawal from RE’.