At Calton Primary, we believe that our Design & Technology learning should be inspiring, rigorous, creative and most of all a practical subject. Within our school, children are taught how to use their individuality to design, make and evaluate products, which solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts. To do this the children need to bear in mind the specifications and requirements of the intended audience for each product. Our curriculum requires a wide range of knowledge and skills which can be drawn from other subject areas such as mathematics, science, computing and art. Through following our unique curriculum, it enables all children to make connections with prior knowledge, skills and begin to relate them to aspects of their own life.
Design & Technology enables all children to learn how to become self-managers, effective participators, become resourceful thinkers, reflective learners, be independent enquirers and develop team work skills.
At Calton Primary, we help inspire our children to be their own S.T.A.R.S of the future.