Calton Primary Pre-School
A nurturing, inclusive, learning community that enables everyone to be their best.
A very warm welcome to you and your family from the staff here at Calton Primary & Pre-School, parents and carers are of great importance to us and we look forward to working together as your child embarks on their journey at the pre-school and school. The Pre-School is a happy, nurturing setting where all children are supported to thrive. We are passionate about meeting the needs of each child through exciting and engaging experiences which inspire their play and learning.
If you have any questions, we would be delighted to talk to you. Please contact us at or ask to speak to a member of the team at the pre-school in person. You can also telephone us via the main school telephone line 01452 527689, and selecting option 2.

More About Us
Calton Pre-School have been an established since 1984 and after working closely with Calton Primary School for many years we officially amalgamated with them on 1st April 2022.
Calton Pre-School is situated within the grounds of Calton Primary School, with use of all facilities on site including both Forest and Allotment Areas. We have an experienced and fantastic team of practitioners dedicated to providing children with highest quality of care and education in a safe and stimulating environment.
We take children from 2 years 9 months up to pre-school age (4 years 11 months) and accept both Gloucestershire County Council’s Achieving 2 Year Old funding (A2YO) and the Free For 3 & 4 year old Universal 15 hours funding.
We are open Monday to Thursday, term time only, and offer a range of morning, afternoon or whole day sessions for children, subject to availability.
Session one – 8:45 – 11:45
(3 hours)
Session two – 8:45 – 12:15
(3.5 hours) Children bring a packed lunch
Session three – 12:15 – 15:15
(3 hours)
Session four (Full day) – 8:45 – 15:15
(6.5 hours) Children bring a packed lunch

Our Environment - Embedding Our Curriculum
An enabling environment provides children with the space and resources to play, explore and learn. The environment is a crucial aspect of our playgroup and is widely evidenced within the Early Years as being a key factor in supporting children’s learning and development. At Pre-School, you will notice a calm environment; spread over several rooms and areas including outdoors. These can be accessed by children of all ages throughout the day. To embed our curriculum we have created a range of neutral spaces that are accented with well thought out resources that are purposely placed to support and extend children’s learning. We enhance our play spaces regularly by reflecting on the children’s needs and their specific interests.
Useful Early Years Documents
Development Matters
Birth to Five Matters
Statutory Framework for Early Years
The Magic of Books
Experience shows that children benefit hugely by exposure to books from an early age. At pre-school we believe that right from the start, lots of opportunities should be provided for children to engage with books that fire their imagination and interest. They should be encouraged to choose and peruse books freely as well as sharing them when read by an adult.
For young children learning to read is all about hearing rhythm and rhyme, looking at words, growing their vocabulary and most of all to develop a love of reading. As well as being an enjoyable experience for both the staff and your child sharing a book together goes a long way to helping children on the path to reading in school.
Getting Ready to Read
A child beginning to enjoy books and read needs to know certain things that we take for granted. For instance that a book starts at the front and is read page by page to the back; that the words are read from left to right across the page and from top to bottom so when you read with your child make sure they can follow the words. Spend time on the pictures: these play a crucial part in early reading; indeed many picture books only work if both the words and the pictures are “read”.
Reading Aloud
Whenever possible read to your child at least once a day. Those children who are used to sharing the pleasures of books with adults have a head start with reading; they know the enjoyment it can offer. Let your children see you reading too. And don’t forget you can read out language which is all around us, for example labels on food and drinks, menus, television adverts, road names etc.
This is Where it all Starts
The children who learn to read quickly and easily are usually the ones who speak fluently, ask lots of questions and are generally at ease with oral language. So talk with your child as much as possible’ at home, on the bus, in the car, in the park or wherever. Listen carefully to what he or she says and answer questions as fully as you can.
Our Lending Library
Pre-School operates a library system where all children may borrow a book to take home. Each book will be sent home in a plastic wallet marked with the child’s name and is to be returned to us when it is finished with. The children may keep the book as long as they like or change it every day if they wish.
The use of the lending library helps the children to learn to make decisions and help them become responsible for other peoples possessions. Please encourage your child to take care of the books they bring home. We ask that all books borrowed are returned in the same condition; in the event of any damage occurring at home or lost books it will be the responsibility of the parent to replace it. We will collect all books in along with the child’s plastic wallet before the end of each term.


Finance and Funding
Children can attend Pre-School from the age of 2 years 9 months until they reach school age.
We offer the 15 hours free entitlement to Nursery Education Funding (NEF) which is available to all 3 & 4 year olds from the term after their 3rd birthday. Calton Pre-School also accepts Achieving 2 Year Old Funding (A2YO).
Funding is claimed three times a year at the start of the autumn, spring and summer terms. A Parent Declaration Form needs to be completed with details of ALL settings that your child attends and how you wish the funding to be allocated. Children may attend more than one settings and either share their funding or use it at one provider. The following link will explain both of these entitlements and how to apply:
Information for Parents | Early Years Service (
If your child starts pre-school before they become eligible for NEF, then please note sessions are chargeable and will be invoiced at the beginning of each term. The three hour session rates vary between £11 – £15 depending on the child’s age and circumstances. Please contact the playgroup direct for exact session rates. Calton Pre-School is a “cashless” environment and all payments will need to be paid direct to the bank.
Children may attend for more than the 15 hours entitlement and have the extra sessions invoiced for payment. All accounts must be cleared at the end of each term.