How do we support children with Additional Learning Needs?
Special Educational Needs and Disability — Our School Offer.
What is Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)?
There are four areas of need as stated in the SEND Code of Practice 2014:
- Communication and Interaction
- Cognition and Learning
- Social Emotional and Mental Health difficulties
- Sensory and/or Physical.
Whilst these four areas broadly identify the primary need of a pupil we, at Calton Primary School, also consider the needs of the whole child, which may also impact on a pupil’s progress.
How do we support children with SEND?
We provide a range of support to ensure your child’s individual needs are met. This support may include:
- 1:1 Teaching and or Small group work
- Specialist resources
- Targeted interventions
Who may support your child in school?
We have a fantastic team of staff who are able to support your child:
- Teachers
- Learning Partners
- Family Support Worker
- Pastoral team and SENDCo
We also have staff trained with specific skills to support children. We may seek the advice and or support from outside agencies:
- School Nurse
- Educational Psychologist (E.P)
- Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT)
- Occupational Therapist (O.T)
- Consultant Paediatrician
- Children and Young peoples service
- Advisory Teaching Service (A.T.S)
- Early Help for children, young people and families
- Families First
- Health Visitor (under 4s)
What interventions do we provide to meet the needs of children with SEND?
We are able to deliver fun, exciting and educational interventions to support your child such as:
- Sand play Therapy
- Animal Therapy
- Equine Therapy
- CBT – cognitive behaviour therapy
- VIG – Video Interaction Guidance
- Nurture Room
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Fizzy
- Restorative Practice
- In school counsellor
- And many more!
What can Parents/ Carers do to support their child with SEND?
Talk to us with any concerns you may have regarding your child and we will continue to support you and your child to ensure they achieve their potential.
“Our aim is to provide all children with the best possible schooling experience in preparing them for life-long learning opportunities. We believe it is important that children acquire skills, knowledge and confidence that can be applied to all future learning experiences, including social, physical and spiritual development.”
Would you like further information?
Please contact : who will pass on your enquires to the relevant member of staff.
SENDCO – Sue Reed & Claire Alder
SEND Governor – Mrs Sarah Bennett
Family Support Worker – Mrs Stella Smithson
Inclusion Leader – Mr Matt Holton
Pastoral Learning Partners – Miss Becki Duignan, Mrs Theresa Threadgill & Shirley Yeomans
Gloucestershire Parent Partnership Service: (GPPS) 0800 158 3603 Gloucestershire SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service) are a free, impartial service who also offer advice tel: 0800 158 3603 or visit:
Our Inclusion Team
How we can help – Family Support
- The team are here to offer support to you and your children
- We can offer support in school or signpost you to external agencies that may be able to support you
- The team are available to speak to you or your child when life becomes difficult and you need someone to talk to
Would you like further information?
Please contact : who will pass on your enquires to the relevant member of staff.