Important School Information
We hope that you find lots of useful information on our website. If you think there is anything else we could add please contact us. If you would like a copy of any of the information on the school website please contact us and this will be provided free of charge.
Our School Day
Reception and Key Stage 1: 8:45am-3:15pm – Total teaching hours per week: 32.5
Key Stage 2: 8:45am – 3:20pm – Total teaching hours per week: 32.75
Pre-School Sessions:
Session one – 8:45 – 11:45
(3 hours)
Session two – 8:45 – 12:15
(3.5 hours) Children bring a packed lunch
Session three – 12:15 – 15:15
(3 hours)
Session four (Full day) – 8:45 – 15:15
(6.5 hours) Children bring a packed lunch
Home to School Agreement
School Meals
We have an excellent school kitchen on site that freshly prepares delicious hot meals. All children in Reception to Year 2, are entitled to a free hot dinner everyday, no matter what their family circumstances are. This is under the Government’s Universal Infant Free School Meals Scheme (UIFSM). You do not need to apply for this.
However, some families will be entitled to Free School Meals beyond Year 2 if their family receive some specific income-based benefits. Therefore, we would urge all parents to apply using the link below to see if they are eligible. Please note, if your circumstances change during the year you can apply any time using the link below.
Alternatively, children are welcome to bring a healthy, balanced packed lunch from home.
Please note – we are a nut free school.
Wraparound Childcare
The Holiday Club provide breakfast, after-school and holiday time childcare to children at our school.
Please contact the school for further information about timings, costs and to reserve places.
Parent Pay
Cool Milk
Cool Milk is the UK’s leading school and nursery milk supplier, working in partnership with local authorities and early years groups to supply free and subsidised school milk to children in pre-schools, nurseries and primary schools.
Parent Code of Conduct
At Calton Primary & Pre-School we are very proud of our school community. At our school, the staff, governors, parents and carers all recognise that the education of our children is a partnership between us.
We expect our school community to respect our school ethos and set a good example of their own behaviour both on school premises and when accompanying classes on school visits.
In addition, we expect our parents, carers and visitors to keep our children safe by adhering to the school’s requests to park safely outside the school gates during the morning and afternoon collections.
As a partnership we are all aware of the importance of good working relationships and all the recognise the importance of these relationships to equip our children with the necessary skills for their education. For these reasons we will continue to welcome and encourage parents and carers to participate fully in the life of the school.
The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to provide the expectations around the conduct of all parents, carers and visitors connected to the school.
We are committed to resolving difficulties in a constructive manner, through an open and positive dialogue. However, we understand that misunderstandings can cause frustrations and have a negative impact on our relationships. Where issues arise or misconceptions take place, please contact your child’s class teacher, Middle Leader or the Assistant Head of the phase, who will be available to meet with you and go through the issue and hopefully resolve it. Where issues are unresolved, please follow the school complaints procedure, which is available on the school website.
The code aims to clarify the types of behaviour that will not be tolerated.
First Aid
Head Injuries
Minor head injuries are common in people of all ages and should not result in any permanent damage.
The symptoms of a minor head injury are usually mild and short lived. Symptoms include:
- a mild headache
- nausea (feeling sick)
- mild dizziness
- mild burred vision
If you or your child experience these mild symptoms after a knock, bump or blow to the head, you won’t usually require any specific treatment. However, you should go to your local accident and emergency department for a check-up.
If your symptoms significantly worsen or you develop any new symptoms after being discharged, you should return to A&E straight away or call 999 and ask for an ambulance. Further information is available on the NHS website: NHS minor head injury
Pupil Medical Form
Please complete the form below if you need to update any medical information for your child. This may include:
- Allergies/intolerances
- New medical diagnosis or condition including needs
- Medication requirements
If you have any additional information or letters which need to be passed on to school please email them to
Relationships and Health Education
Please see the links below for more information on Relationships and Health Education at our school.