Our School Uniform Expectations

At Calton Primary School, we take great pride in our uniform, as we believe it sets the culture of our school – we have high standards for everything we do.

Please can we remind that all uniform including that of PE kit, coats and bags should be clearly labelled with your child’s full name. In addition, please can we ask that lunch boxes, book bags and tupperware containers are also clearly labelled.

If you have any questions in regard to uniform or want to check anything with us when purchasing uniform then please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Calton Primary School Uniform List

We are very proud of our school uniform. It is a smart red and is worn with grey/black and white. The school logo is on the sweaters and cardigans, non-branded school uniform is also acceptable.

Our uniform with a logo is available from My Clothing online www.myclothing.com and the Monkhouse Schoolwear Shop in Gloucester Calton Primary School (URN-115486) – School (monkhouse.com)

Please visit our Pre-School page for information on their uniform.

School Uniform

All clothing and items brought into school must be clearly named – Un-named uniform and items will go into the Lost Property drawers located in the main school foyer. Please be aware that we cannot keep all lost property and we will regularly dispose of items or send them to charity.

Aerosols – Aerosol deodorant/perfume or aftershave are not to be brought into school.

Hair / Body Art / Make-up  – No artificially dyed hair. No temporary tattoos/transfers. No make-up or nail varnish.

Jewellery  – No jewellery to be worn by pupils in school except for one pair of stud earrings and a watch

Downloadable Uniform List & Further Information

Calton Primary School Uniform List


School Uniform Letter March 2024


Monkhouse School Wear Shop

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My Clothing Online

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